Monday 28 January 2019

Week 19

this week i went through the animation assignment to figure out what i had left to do on it so i wrote a checklist out for my self for me to mark off what i had done and needed to be done. after doing that i went a head and did my write ups for my character and train. after i did that i went a head and rendered the video and added sound to the final rendered version of file. after completing the assignment to the best of my ability i then went a head and played a bit of the anthem demo to get ideas on terrain building for my game.

Monday 21 January 2019

Week 18

This week after looking into my mind-map i then decided to look into how to add a mini map to the game so that the player is able to see whats around him a bit better and help to navigate around. i firstly went a head and looked up on YouTube and found the following video 
after finding the video i went a head and tried to implement it into my game i stumbled across a few problems when doing this by the camera not working the way it was meant to but i managed to get the mini map to work and also follow the player around the terrain.

Monday 14 January 2019

week 17

after figuring out where my current game is at i then went a head and re looked over the initial ideas what i had put in the mind map and just went over on what and how i could implement them into my game from where i am currently at.

Monday 7 January 2019

week 16

this week i worked on animation assignment by doing the following tasks that i set my self:

Editing train - by finishing off adding final bits to the train and also trying to UV map textures onto the train.
character building - building a character in Maya and also figuring out how to add bone structure to the character to make the character movable. after finishing the character and train i then went a head and put them into one scene and started to do my animation with them both

Week 31

This week i went a head and created another maze and looked for a troll assist that i could use for a mini boss during the maze.