Monday 31 December 2018

Week 15

This week I went online to find tutorials on how to do the following things to add to my game: a timer, collectables and a health regeneration system. the first thing i decided to add to the game was the collectables. so i went a head and found a tutorial on how to do this. the tutorial i found was from unity them self's. 

so after watching these tutorials i went a head and started to try and implement the collectables feature into my game.

after being able to get the collectables to work within my game i went a head and added a timer function onto the game to be able to track on how long you have been playing and try and compete between your friends on a better time.
the following video allowed and explained on how to implement a timer into the game.
after watching this i went a head and had a go at doing it within my game.
after being able to get the timer and collectables to work i thought i would try and find a tutorial on how to do health regeneration and i found the following video.

so while i was watching this video i gave it a go and i couldn't figure it out on how to do so so i went a head and looked around more but couldn't get the heart object to add health but the Debug.Log was running and stating adding health when run over the heart and it disappears for so long which really annoyed me because i couldn't figure it out so i messaged my mate again and he managed to see where i went wrong and helped me fix it so the heart adds health.

Monday 24 December 2018

Week 14

this week after struggling to find out why the zombies would not animate but do damage i looked at the code and realised that the animation part of the code last listed as static so it only allowed one zombie to animate till multiple zombies was on the scene. so i removed the static part of the code then the animation worked on them all.

Then i started to do research into how to make a spawner. I managed to get the spawner to spawn zombies but the zombies wasn't causing damage to the player so I got the zombies that caused damaged In to the spawner so when I ran the game and the zombies from the spawners started to cause damage to the player but I stumbled onto a error that occurs when the spawner spawns a zombie the error in the image below kept occurring.

After getting the error and I couldn't figure it out so I messaged a mate so he could lend a fresh pair of eyes on the situation. So after getting fresh eyes on the subject he suggested to look at the spawner and the zombie. After looking at the zombie I put the script on a part of The zombies body as well as the zombie it self so after removing the script the error went.

Monday 17 December 2018

Week 13

This week I went online and looked for blueprints for different models that I would be able to use to help create my model for my animation assignment. So as I went through and looked at different blueprints I found a blueprint of a train that I am going to use to help build my man model. Also I went ahead and started my again as when I tried on my last game I had errors I decided to start again and copy the code to my new game and by doing so I managed to get the code to work so that the player has a health bar and also that the zombie is able to do damage to the player however I created a animation controller so that The zombie is able to walk towards to the player and attack when the zombie it's near the player. Also I tried to add multiple zombies in the game however when I added multiple zombies to the game the animation controller didn't work on the new zombie but could still do damage when the player gets near the zombie

Monday 10 December 2018

Week 12

This week I started to create my model for the animation assignment I went ahead and decided to go on the internet and find model templates on what I thought I would be able to use to create my model so I decided to get a train template to use and construct my model. Also after getting loads of problems and having a talk with my teacher I decided to start again with my game so by starting again I copied the code from the last go at manning the game and by coping the code to the new one I managed to get the code to work to allow a zombie to follow and to do damage to the player.

However when I added multiple zombies the animation controller didn't work with the new zombie what was added to the game so I kept removing it and adding it to the game but still didn't work so I removed it.

Monday 3 December 2018

Week 11

this week I started to try and add animation to characters so when they walk towards you the animation kicks in and when attacking the attack animation kicks in but I had a few problems with it adding the code to the characters and I couldn't work out why the error code was there so I tried to google it but couldn't find anything to do with the error code so I started a new project and used the code and I still had the same error.

Monday 26 November 2018

Week 10

This week I went a head and tried to work more with on the project and download more assists for my game. after doing so I started to add them to the terrain and trying to make it so the terrain looks well designed so then I started to plan for other levels of my game. but also I worked on my animation project to make it a film so to do so I had to render it as photos and then add it to a software to make it a film.

Monday 19 November 2018

week 9

this week i went a head and focused more on finishing building my final model for the animation and animating it also i did a bit of research on how to render it as a movie but i couldn't figure it out. also through out the week i went a head and watch more YouTube videos on how to make my first level of my project.

Tuesday 13 November 2018

week 8

Week 8

this week i went a head and watch a few you tube videos to try and gain more ideas that i could implement into my game.

from the videos above i'm going to continue to watch them and look for more ideas that i cold use and implement into my game.

also i went a head and played Spyro reignited trilogy as it got realised and i love the spyro games

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Week 7

Week 7

This week i focused on the being able to start building the terrain of my first level of my game but before i could do this i had to go on to the asset store and find models that i could use to try and make my ideas become real. The type of assets i went and downloaded was old buildings, barrels, trees, ruins and other models. after getting the models i needed i started to build a village type area for a part of my first level using the assets i downloaded from unity.

also throughout the week i went a head and focused on building my models for the animation project for an assignment.

Tuesday 30 October 2018

Week 6

This week i went dropped down a few ideas that i would like to implement but the ideas may change over time depending on my ability to follow the ideas. so i created a mind map to be able to give me pointers and a direction on where i'm trying to go with my game.

Monday 22 October 2018

Week 5

This week i went around the internet and found some images of games terrains that i like the look off and want to try and add some of this guilty and detail in to my terrains and overall game.

the images below are the images i have chosen to be able to look at and try and gain some impersonation from because they all have different image views and types of images to be able to give me the ideas needed for my type of game.

Monday 15 October 2018

Week 4

Week 4
this week i went onto unity and retried the you tube tutorial that Wayne did for the class to follow and to get grips on how to use unity. the reason i redone it at home as when i attempted to follow the video at college there was a missing tab and i couldn't figure it out. So i googled it and found how to locate the navigation tab to be able to finish the YouTube video. 

the link i managed to find to help me solve this was : Building a NavMesh 

Also this week i went a head and went through the assets store on unity and downloaded a couple of free assets that i believe i would like to add into my game.
Also i played Destiny 2 on the Xbox one to try and gain some ideas and inspiration on how i would like to try and make my terrain within my game.  

Monday 8 October 2018

Week 3 Final Idea

Week 3 Final Idea

This week i had to pick my final idea out of the final three ideas that i took forward but i am dropping two of them and the ones i am dropping are the following : creating an animation and Creating a robot and linking to the phone.

The reason am dropping creating an animation is because of the following i don't know how to use the software so i believe that it would take me much longer to be able to learn animating software also i would find it very hard to get my thoughts down into an short animation. I'm not a very creative person and building people and objects from nothing, i personally find animation boring and less interesting so i would find the project boring if i was to do it based on this idea. However the reason i chose this idea was because i like the thought of being able to make an animation something like Wallace and Gromit but on the computer not stop animation but however  i don't feel like am capable to be able to achieve this goal without struggling loads on this.

The second idea that am dropping is the following Creating a robot and linking it to a mobile device. The reason am dropping this idea is because after looking at videos and web page i believe it will not take me the whole year to be able to achieve this goal. However the reason i chose this idea as one of my final ideas was because am a physical learner and thought it would be fun doing something new and experimenting but it looks too simple from designs I've seen already online. It may of been different if i went a head and did this idea but i didn't wanna take the chance.

The final idea

My final idea i have chosen to take this idea forward is a 3D game. The reason i have chosen to take this idea forward is because i like the idea of being able to learn a new software and to stumble on new problems that may come forward while learning the software. The type of game i would be trying to build is a action, adventure with with a bit of platforming with a challenge. The reason i have chosen these types of genres for my game i will be creating is because i am a gamer and i love these types of genres. The game that made me really want to take this approach was the game called Destiny, with the game it hits everything that i like within a game so i wanted to be able to recreate or to try to recreate something similar to the game i enjoy and love playing.

  • The types of things i would be taking from the game Destiny is that their is a levelling system the reason i have chosen this idea was because it gives the player the ability to level up and take on harder AI's during the game play. 
  • Another thing i would be taking form destiny is the ability to be able to collect collectables, the reason i have chosen this aspect of the game is because it would be a challenge for the player to be able to find them as the collectables are in different areas and heights so it gives the player the ability to actually go out their way to find them if they choose to. Their are different types of collectables within destiny but here is one of the types : Destiny Collectables (Watch 40 seconds - 47 seconds)
  • Within the game am going to try to crate a room where you have to run past a loads of AI's to get past a certain area without dying. By having this ability into the game would create a challenge to the game hopefully i got this idea from this video even though in the video he goes invisible but that is the general idea am going for but with a few more AI's: Thrall run (10 Seconds- 26 seconds)  
  • I'm hopefully going to try and make the game a shooter where you have to shoot the AI's to be able to get score which allows you to level up within the game however i will be aiming to have certain AI's to be able to take more damage and certain ones take less damage however from the link attached will show you what i will be aiming for within the EXP from killing AI's : Killing AI (5.55 - 6.15 time frame)
  • Within my game i will be creating platforms that move so that the player will have to jump on them while they move. The reason i am going to try and add this feature into the game is so it adds more of a challenge and timing will be key. Moving platforms (34 seconds - 48 seconds)
  • Another reason why i have chosen this game as my inspiration is because I've played it for the past number of years and the game always finds new ways to keep me engaged into for a long because it just hits everything i look for in a type of game as its a shooter, plat former, adventure, quests, dungeons (raids), difficult AI's and an end game.
  • My idea is to do three levels or areas but hopefully can increase on it depending on how i get on with the gaming and programming goes.
  • Also with my game am going to try and make the sensory and music will affect on how certain areas work/ play out within the game.


Monday 1 October 2018

Week 2

After speaking to the Wayne i have managed to narrow it down to three possible possibilities that I could do for my project and got rid of two. The reason I Scrapped the following ideas of Web base games is because i don't like coding and i was told that the web base games are built around coding which is one of my weak points and i really struggle with coding. Also I've never done Web base gaming before so i feel like i will struggle very much, I would like to of done the web base games but its the coding side that's put me off them ideas. However the three ideas that have stayed are a 3D game, Animation and Robot with phone connectivity.

Ideas i'm Keeping

3D Game

The main idea i'm very strongly going towards is the 3D game. 
The reason is because i love gaming and i did a game last year and i really enjoyed it after getting to know what i'm doing. The type of game i would love to make is hopefully a game like Destiny. The reason i have chosen Destiny is because its an open world game set into different locations round space and the ability to level up and kill different enemies over time also side missions along side the main missions.

Another reason why i have chosen to make a game like destiny is because of the sandbox scenery they have managed to create the perfect scenery for the type of environment and felling they were going for and i want to try recreate this and put my skills into a bigger project. 

With the game i would be adding a survival feature where there are loads of enemies around the world also with the ability of collecting items while having to survive but also i will try to implement an exp system while killing enemies but having to also trying not to die in the process. I really feel passionate towards trying to remake a game i really enjoy playing but i don't fell like i would be able to crate my own characters which i fell will be where i struggle at with this type of project. I fell like i have the skills to be able to crate the game because i have resources already from last year that i have still and i have more knowledge on the software and how to crate games.

If i was going to create this game for my project i would try and implement away of the AI try and attack you if they see if, also i would like to try add a few ideas into it for example parkour, maze and possibly missions/ rewards for collecting items.  

The following images are from Destiny the game the top image is from Destiny 2 and the bottom image is from Destiny 1. I have chosen these two images because of the sensory and when playing the games i actual get immersed within the destiny game because of this exact reason and with all the items to collect and the mass areas to explore. I have been playing the game since launch day and there is still things waiting to be found (items/guns) and new places to explore.

Creating Robot and linking to phone

The reason i have kept this idea is because its hands on, that's the way i learn also with it being hands on i will enjoy it more because i can build the robot but also have the ability to be able to try hook it up to my phone. Am not really passionate with this idea or the thought of actually being able to get it to work. I would like a challenge but after looking abit more into this their are quite a few people already done this and looks like not the type of thing that i wouldn't be able to cope with and not be able to do without watching YouTube videos on how others have done it.

However i like the idea of being able to do it but also make me be able to do something different prepared to things i have already done. 

I have looked up a few tutorials on how people have took on the task and i'm in two minds because some look every easy by watching them and some look hard and i feel like i may not take me the full year to be able to do this depending on how i tackle it and if i have any problems in the process. 

Here are some of the links i have looked at to try help make my decision about this idea:

Crate an animation 

The last idea that i have kept is to be able to crate an animation this is one that am less motivated in doing is because am not very creative and this is an area that am very weak in and have hardly any knowledge within that sector. Also i believe that i will struggle loads with being able to create an short peace of animation. However that is the reason that i picked this idea as one of the ideas am taking through to my final pick of ideas as I've only ever done it once apart of my level 3 year 2 and i didn't enjoy it. Another reason i have chosen this as one of my final ideas is because it gives me the ability to learn new skills/ software that i wouldn't normal use.Also i have chosen this is because i like to watch animated things such as Wallace and Gromit. 

Monday 24 September 2018

Week 1

Bachelor of Science Project week 1

Initial Ideas for the project are the following:

  • First Idea

The 3D game would be an open world exploration through different levels / worlds collecting items and defending of waves of enemies that try to stop you from collecting items and progressing on wards through the worlds, i would like to try and make it like the game Destiny.

My idea for this type of game came from my love of gaming, I have played Destiny  for the past number of years and i really enjoyed playing it. the reason is because there is a levelling system within the game, collectables, enemies that try killing you but also get harder as you progress and also the mass open worlds also the love of detail that goes into the sandbox of the game. 

If i was going to crate a game i would take aspects from Destiny for example :
  • A levelling system
  • collecting of items 
  • Mass open worlds
  • Harder enemies 

  • Second idea

The type of web based games i am looking at thinking about creating is a game like Adventure Quest. the reason i have chosen this type of game is because i use to play it and found it a fun type of game to play and it covers certain aspects like quests and side missions also its 2D.

The reason i have chosen the Web based game of Adventure quest is because it is a 2D game and its an online base game so you and your mates can join in the fight along side you also there are side missions to the main missions also you can build up your team with pets and abilities.

the type of concepts i would take and use within a game of my own are the following

  • 2D base game
  • Pets - companions
  • Quests.

Third Idea To crate a little robot and try to program it with a phone.

The reason i have chosen to crate a robot and try program it so a phone is for a challenge. I like the thought of being able to get hands on with a physical project i have not built a robot before using robotics and i would like the challenge of doing so.

the way i would do this is to try get a program on the phone and try get the robot to respond to it also i could then try voice commands.

  • Fourth Idea 2D game (Web base game)

A survival game where you have to go around a certain areas trying to survive a set amount of enemies and each time you survive a wave of enemies the waves will get harder and harder in till you die but every time you manage to kill the enemies by shooting them you will gain points and their will be a scoreboard at the end when you die.

  • Firth crate an animation 

The reason i have chosen animation as a initial idea is because am no good at doing animation so i thought i'd try something new also am no good at using my creative side so that's another reason i put it down. 

I like the thought of being able to create a short peace of animation the computer to try something new and learn new software.

Week 31

This week i went a head and created another maze and looked for a troll assist that i could use for a mini boss during the maze.