Monday 24 September 2018

Week 1

Bachelor of Science Project week 1

Initial Ideas for the project are the following:

  • First Idea

The 3D game would be an open world exploration through different levels / worlds collecting items and defending of waves of enemies that try to stop you from collecting items and progressing on wards through the worlds, i would like to try and make it like the game Destiny.

My idea for this type of game came from my love of gaming, I have played Destiny  for the past number of years and i really enjoyed playing it. the reason is because there is a levelling system within the game, collectables, enemies that try killing you but also get harder as you progress and also the mass open worlds also the love of detail that goes into the sandbox of the game. 

If i was going to crate a game i would take aspects from Destiny for example :
  • A levelling system
  • collecting of items 
  • Mass open worlds
  • Harder enemies 

  • Second idea

The type of web based games i am looking at thinking about creating is a game like Adventure Quest. the reason i have chosen this type of game is because i use to play it and found it a fun type of game to play and it covers certain aspects like quests and side missions also its 2D.

The reason i have chosen the Web based game of Adventure quest is because it is a 2D game and its an online base game so you and your mates can join in the fight along side you also there are side missions to the main missions also you can build up your team with pets and abilities.

the type of concepts i would take and use within a game of my own are the following

  • 2D base game
  • Pets - companions
  • Quests.

Third Idea To crate a little robot and try to program it with a phone.

The reason i have chosen to crate a robot and try program it so a phone is for a challenge. I like the thought of being able to get hands on with a physical project i have not built a robot before using robotics and i would like the challenge of doing so.

the way i would do this is to try get a program on the phone and try get the robot to respond to it also i could then try voice commands.

  • Fourth Idea 2D game (Web base game)

A survival game where you have to go around a certain areas trying to survive a set amount of enemies and each time you survive a wave of enemies the waves will get harder and harder in till you die but every time you manage to kill the enemies by shooting them you will gain points and their will be a scoreboard at the end when you die.

  • Firth crate an animation 

The reason i have chosen animation as a initial idea is because am no good at doing animation so i thought i'd try something new also am no good at using my creative side so that's another reason i put it down. 

I like the thought of being able to create a short peace of animation the computer to try something new and learn new software.

Week 31

This week i went a head and created another maze and looked for a troll assist that i could use for a mini boss during the maze.